In recent years past, I have meditated in my shrine and have seen the many said truths that flow within our world. And while some of the said truths plan out, others dissipate like the wind. Our humanities have learned to grow in more directions than one, all at once. And without realizing it, they have learned to become independent. And while this is good for some, others have gotten lost along their way, in their paths to life. To some being free of the bonds that the humanities of old have placed upon us, means everything. To others, while they understand the concept, they have yet to learn which path to take, for they get lost in the many choices of life, that lay before them. But to the many, they have not yet gotten their, and they sit and wait for a further instruction. I speak of the humanities as a whole, as we pride ourselves to be. For if there are sentient beings in a near by solar system or not, and this truth is still yet to be played out, we as a human race, that live upon planet earth, must come to realize this, that we, are only one. And it is time for us to push forward in life, to life. To rid ourselves free of the bonds,chains, and shackles, that bind our soul, spirit, mind, and consciousness, that weigh us down, in life.
As a curandero/spiritualist, I have come to realize this and more. My beginnings are simple, from a humble background I do come from, and my parents of Mexican origins. Born and raised in South Texas, I was and it was here that as an infant an elderly curandera paid a visit to my mother. She said she had an important message for her. And as she blessed her home, she let her know that her son would some day become as her, a curandero. My mother listened as the lady instructed her with the signs, fore tellings, and happenings on how to raise me,and what to look out for.
As a young child at the age of twelve, I was privileged enough to meet an elderly curandera who told my mother in a consultation that I had a gift. Again my mother listened as she explained what this entailed and what I would have to incur in life. In fear for my life, my mother asked if this gift could be removed. And it was then that she explained that gifts cannot be removed but worked with. Unbeknownst to my mother, father and family, a year later the curandera, was now my mentor. And in secret, all through my teens and school years, I trained. I had found a mentor, and a junior curandero, I was.
As time went on, I became restless with my inner self. I had outgrown my trainings and my mentor and floundering around in life I had been. Through several occurrences and guidance, I was led back to my home, where in a dream a revelation came.Three or four times, always the same beginnings to the dream and always interrupted as the introduction was to be made. Until finally, a last time, and in a deep sleep, a full revelation revealed." A new council of mentors we grant you, and here you will remain. It is from here that you will learn and grow, but you are that, which you have always wanted to be. Remember, Bobby, I will always be with you, I am, Tonantzin." And from that day forth, my life changed, with new mentors into a council of shaman curanderas I was taken in, of which I, still remain.
My name is Bobby Estrada and I reside in Brownsville, Texas. Many years have gone by since, and it is with my spirit guides and council's permission, that I come to you offering wisdom of old, counsel, meditations, advice, and techniques, that will aid in life's trials and tribulations.
Hope to see you blogging in, for a true you, and a better tomorrow. Stay in the light.
~Bobby Estrada